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With Key in Your Apple Wallet, it is so nice to come to office.

Announcing DigiValet Workspace Platform's Integration with HID Access Control and Apple Wallet

DigiValet for Smart Workspace is excited to announce its integration with HID Access Control and Apple Wallet.

Employees will now find their workspace access available in their Apple Wallet, and it is where you securely keep your boarding passes, tickets, loyalty cards, credit cards and more.

It brings unparalleled convenience to one’s everyday workplace experience - all the access you need, from lobby doors, to turnstiles, meeting rooms, amenities - in one card.

Leveraging on natively available NFC capabilities, the solution takes full advantage of the privacy and security built around Wallet by Apple. It is safe to say it is safer.

For employees, it is a simple tap of the phone to let yourself in.

For office administrators, it takes away the overhead of issuing and reissuing physical cards.

And for us at DigiValet, it’s yet another proud partnership.

It is a win-win-win.

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